10th Annual Women's Summit

Tickets for the 10th Anniversary Gala are on sale. To purchase a ticket, please contact CWA at cnmiwomen@gmail.com 

The CNMI Women’s Association (CWA) was incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth on April 13, 2011. The Association is a non-profit, 501 (c) 3 organization and is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors. It currently operates out of the CNMI Women’s Center on Capitol Hill, Govt. Bldg. 1223. CWA collaborates with other public and private organizations to deliver vital social services to the women and their families throughout
the Commonwealth.


CWA’s vision is that women are fully engaged in the political, economic, and social development of our Commonwealth.


The CNMI Women’s Association (CWA) strives to empower women for leadership as guardians of our guinaha (assets); both tangible and intangible to include political, economic, and social leadership. CWA provides education and training opportunities, mentorship, advocacy, and information and referral services in a culturally competent and nurturing way. It fosters konfiansia (self-confidence) and commitment in women to maximize their potential to positively impact our families.


• Promote healthier lifestyles for women and families of the CNMI.
• Provide more free and accessible employment trainings to families in need.
• Develop cultural programs to protect cultural practices.
• Promote business and entrepreneurship amongst CNMI Women.
• Identify ways to lead in one’s family, work, community, and to include those leadership positions in the political arena.